10 Minute Poetry: “Sink”
And what about the red
That come from my hands? Continue reading 10 Minute Poetry: “Sink”
And what about the red
That come from my hands? Continue reading 10 Minute Poetry: “Sink”
Could I dance with you?
Or will you leave me all alone.
At that time I wept and crept right underneath your skin,
I forgot to tell you.
That every time you came across my mind,
I scratched you out until you felt my pain,
Because I couldn’t let you in,
Into my mind of sorrow weeps,
And pity self to sleep,
My mind must have killed you. Continue reading 10 Minute Poetry: “Untitled”
I count the minutes of my sad little life,
What words taunt my mind,
Carelessly consume my thoughts, my face, my emotions, ruin innocent pleasures, a child could tell,
Do tell me what you look upon,
So quick to judge I think not,
For you have no image to place me besides your scary nightmare, a mask, your boogeyman.
I don’t think I’d wear this mask, if I could take it off,
Do you think me a fool for your amusing? A clown who sheds but coloured tears? Continue reading 10 Minute Poetry: “Minutes Left”
And I’d like to think that he’s not there, but when I try I become aware.
And I see him with my eyes, he does not hide,
There’s no disguise. Continue reading 10 Minute Poetry: “Pillowcase”
In a moment of crisis, I do speak
To reflections of myself I do seek,
I look her in the eyes and say
“Take that globe and shake away” Continue reading 10 Minute Poetry: “Snow Globe”
“I drink from a broken glass,
As people quench their violent thirst,
Await alone in a deepened corner, for there is no more a bitter taste,
A taste for life and smiles of warmth,
Ones that don’t seem fake to the surface,” Continue reading 10 Minute Poetry: “Dirty Water”